Friday, March 22, 2013

Lindsay, an Equestrian Bride

It was a cool, rainy, early Autumn day. But when we arrived at our destination, the rain stopped; a horse-drawn cart greeted us; we were escorted to the ceremony site; and we forgot all about the dampness. The grounds of the Equicenter, in Honeoye Falls, NY (where the bride works as well as boards and trains her horse) provided a lush, green backdrop that was stunning. The wedding party was in black; and the accent colors of shades of rich purple contrasted beautifully.

 "Do you, Kyle, understand that there will always be horses in your life?"
The Equicenter provides therapeutic riding and horsemanship services.

Photos from Images Unveiled
These images were provided to me via the bride's Facebook page, so the quality may not be accurate.

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