Thursday, January 31, 2013

Winter is like a box of chocolates.

These days, here in Western NY (or is it globally?), weather-wise, you never know what you're going to get. 62 degrees one day, then 30 the next!

Speaking of chocolates, there's a Valentine tasting at Hedonist Artisan Chocolates tomorrow from 6 to 9 pm. Mmmmmm. Can fresh, handmade lavender truffles, milk chocolate sesame bark or cinnamon chipoltle drinking chocolate get me out on a cold night? I would like to not only taste these Raspberry Conversation Truffles but see them in person. The decorative images were designed by local artist Laurie Felber.

Oh wow, I didn't know this... Hedonist now has an ice cream shop right next door! Their premium ice creams and sorbets are made in small batches, from mostly local ingredients.

 Ice cream and cold weather... I don't know, but it might be the clincher to get my husband on board.

photos via Hedonist

Hedonist Artisan Chocolates
Hedonist Artisan Ice Cream

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